I have been having horrible problems with my iMAC this week. I finally made an appointment to take it into the Genius Bar at the Apple Store this afternoon. I was dreading it. After backing up 980,621 items (the actual…
My Definition of Risk Taker
I am choosing to wear white shoes well before Easter. Ya’ll are just going to have to deal with it!
Costco Love
Happiness is shopping at Costco at the absolute peak time of sample disbursement so it can easily qualify as lunch! Thanks again Costco.
Yard Work-Only Good When You’re Done!
Why do some people get so much enjoyment out of yard work. After four hours today, the only real joy I found was wearing the new stylish gardening gloves and the ice cold beer when we finally finished but it…
Sunday Morning Shuffle
No matter how I early I get up on Sunday morning, my family of five is late for church. I am not proud of this fact but I have learned to accept it. I even have categories for the level…
What Dishes? Where?
I am ignoring the dishes and heading out to the Garage Market today after I drop my boy off for lacrosse practice. OK, I ignore the dishes a lot but today is special. The weather is beautiful and I am…
To Kill A Weed
We took the dog on an extra long walk tonight because of the beautiful weather. One of my twins told a neighbor, “You sure do have a lot of weeds in your front yard. When exactly are you going to…
Is thankful for……….
the beautiful spring weather,wildflowers on the side of the road, teachers that love my kids so much,the perfect mole sauce,Spanx, a hubby that still winks at me from across the room,Spanx again,a lawn that survived the drought and a phone…
Road Trip Blues
After six hours, three rest stops and too many country songs on the radio to count, I pulled safely into our spring break destination and my six year old blurts out, “Mom, what’s tequila and why would it make her…
Whiny Kids…..Winey Mom
My kids need a break and so do the teachers. I personally need a break from driving the kids to basketball,lacrosse,baseball and basketball again! I love that my kids love sports but whew, I am tired! Happy Spring Break Ya’ll!
The Sassy Girlfriend’s Top 10 Favorite Things #2
Here is my Sassy Girlfriend’s list of favorites for this week! I told you it was a series. Could this lead to possible spin offs like Bethenny goes to Fiesta or Real Housewives of Castle Hills? OK, probably not, but…
Grocery Store Experiment
I thought I would try changing up the chore I hate the most. I purposely shopped the opposite direction in the grocery store with the produce section being last. I couldn’t find a thing. My brain apparently doesn’t work in…