Did you know that the Home and Garden show is next weekend? Not only is it the 34th time it has returned, it’s the biggest show in all of Texas! Now, that’s big! It takes place next weekend from Friday,…
Love and Head Shots
Well, I’m Back! Did y’all miss me? I sure did miss you! I was hunkered down in an undisclosed location for what seemed like an eternity! I had a goal and I reached it. I will tell you more about…
Big Changes Coming to Livin’ Sassy
My little blog has been awfully quiet lately, too quiet. I never knew how much I loved blogging until I stopped doing it full time. Something happened a few months ago that put me on a path for change. I…
Bon Jovi Concert Pictures
Do y’all remember when Livin’ Sassy gave away some tickets to see Bon Jovi? Think way back! As in July! I know, I have a hard time remembering yesterday in my busy world of motherhood! Since I started working full-time,…
We Can’t Stay Away from Garbanzo’s
UPDATE FOR MY READERS: Garbazo’s closed in late 2020. My family first ate at Garbanzo’s about two months ago. And ever since then, it has become the most frequently requested place to eat from everyone in my house! …
2013 Kinetic Kids Hootenanny
In 2001, when physical therapists Tracey Fontenot and Kacey Wernli decided to offer a program that would allow children with disabilities access to a recreational sport. They had little idea what a need that they were fulfilling. Word quickly spread…