YIKES~Does the thought of having the kids home all week while you are trying to finish your Christmas list put you in a state of panic? Fear not, you can entertain them and the in laws and soak in the sounds and sights of our beautiful city. Here are a few suggestions:
Hardberger Park-I love this park. The City of San Antonio really did an incredible job of planning all phases of this park. I wander around both the one on Blanco and the new one on NW Military in awe of how well thought out it is. From the dog parks,the trails,the playground equipment and the beautiful trees that provide so much shade in the summer. It just makes me happy. Check it out. The one on NW Military isn’t quite as busy as the Blanco one,especially the dog park. For more information see the website www.philhardbergerpark.org.
Museum Reach of the River Walk-There is a new part of our beautiful Riverwalk that a lot of the locals still do not know about. Shame on you! Be a tourist. It is impressive. The 1.3 mile new stretch of the River has walking paths,public art and landscaping that will take your breath away! Take a barge to the Pearl Brewery and enjoy the lights along the way. You can eat at numerous restaurants or just grab dessert and coffee at the CIA Bakery. Stroll up and down the walk paths and stop at the VFW for a tour of their Victorian building. You can even gain free admission to the San Antonio Museum of Art on Tuesday and eat at their Cafe des Artistes restaurant and take in the view from the patio. Their websites are as follows: www.atpearl.com, www.vfwpost76.org and www.saamuseum.org.
Morgan’s Wonderland-You will never have a more pleasant time at a theme park than at Morgan’s Wonderland. The park is for everyone and designed for those with special needs and this is the reason for the request that you make a reservation because the park has a cap on daily visitors. The kids never want to leave so be prepared to go early and stay late because they are open 10am to 6pm this week.Season tickets are now available so you can purchase them while you are there. You won’t stop smiling after you leave and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that! The website is www.morganswonderland.com.
May your week be filled with love,laughter and lots of family time together.
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