Let’s face it, most men do not enjoy shopping. If you need evidence of this then go to any mall and see who is sitting outside the stores patiently or not so patiently waiting on the women to wrap things up,literally. I can’t assume what all women want for a gift but I can certainly give you advice on what NOT to get the females in your house. I still laugh about my brother buying our Mom a gift on Christmas Eve at 5:30 in the afternoon at Eckerd Drugs because it was the only place in town left open. He somehow thought that our Mom needed an off brand electric skillet which she of course pretended was the best gift ever given to her by anyone in her whole life. Our Mom is awfully sweet. Here is my list in no particular order and does not imply that my Big Stud has given me all of these….only a couple and now he works strictly from a list. He’s smart. He has a Ph. D in How to Be a Good Husband and Political Economy. Here is the list in no particular order:
1. Any cleaning product whatsoever or includes a handle for which to clean something
2. Anything that has “As Seen on TV” anywhere on the box
3. Workout DVD’s
4. Tacky Lingerie
5. Weight Loss Books
6. Clothes that are 2 sizes bigger than she actually wears or 2 sizes smaller than she actually wears
7. Jewelry that has any chance of turning green
8. A pot or a pan
9. Cheap candles or smelly body lotions
10. A tool box
I think most women want something that you put some thought into and can’t be replaced. A framed picture of the kids that you took the time to take would be perfect for anyone. I will guarantee it.
Merry Christmas and Happy Shopping.
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