I’ve been thinking about my sister Liz a lot lately. It will be 11 years ago today that we lost her to triple negative breast cancer. I hate cancer. It just really sucks. She became a grandmother this year. She…
After more than sixty years, we finally sold our family home. I guess the stars had finally aligned, and everyone was ready to finally part with it at the same time. We would always tease our mom about it taking…
The Reboot
I was looking through some papers the other day in my home office. The accountant was sending me friendly reminders that they couldn’t move forward until they had this one certain form. And Lordy, do I hate hunting things down…
This Thing Called Motherhood
It was exactly two weeks ago that I stood up on stage and read my story of motherhood. I wrote it four years ago on a Saturday night after I couldn’t sleep. I was tossing and turning and these…
The Story Behind The Picture
This picture has been circulating around the Internet for quite awhile. It went viral after it was posted on the International Down Syndrome Coalition’s Facebook page. It was part of a campaign to promote awareness of those with DS. It…
Listen to your Mother San Antonio
Listen to Your Mother! Does this sound like good advice? Well it is. And it’s also a brand new production making its way to San Antonio on April 23 at the Tobin Center for the Performing Arts. I know all…
The Little Church
Last Sunday morning, I made the long drive home from East Texas. I was all by myself and had hours to ponder life, soak in the beautiful scenery from my childhood and pray. There was so much to pray about….
A Tradition
The 11th annual Concordia Lutheran Church’s Drive Thru Nativity in tonight and tomorrow night. It snuck up on me so I wanted to give you a quick reminder. The holidays are such a busy time of the year. The story…
November has been a whirlwind month for our family. We’ve been going back and forth to Dallas to be with Nana who has been in the hospital. A couple of weeks ago, the doctors were preparing us for…
A Yellow Rose
I’ve gotten to the point in life that I am having to attend a lot of funerals. It’s not exactly something that I look forward to but in some unexpected ways, they’ve become a place of comfort. My earliest memory…
Women Who Inspire
I often hesitate to use the word “inspiring” as a description of an event. People are inspired by so many different things. Yesterday, at Women in the World Texas, it was very apparent that…
Why ALS Research Matters
I’ve probably seen hundreds of ALS Ice Bucket Challenges show up on my various social media feeds by now. I’ve only actually clicked on just a handful. It’s not because I don’t care. I think the #IceBucketChallenge may go down…