Happy Fourth of July! May I interrupt your festivities to let you know the winners of our Livin’ Sassy Bon Jovi Ticket Sweepstakes Giveaway? We spent our morning at the neighborhood parade. It gets bigger and better every year. In…
Picture Perfect Farmer’s Market
There is just something about a farmer’s market that makes my heart skip a beat. It might be the fresh produce. It could be the people you encounter that appreciate the…
Pinterest Comes to Life Once a Year
I just spent the weekend with my husband. And unlike the other fifty-one weekends of the year, it was just us. We have gotten away for at least one night together for the last nineteen years. It started out as…
My Son
Ever since I went through all the pictures for my son’s 8th grade graduation ceremony, I’ve been filled with such melancholy. I will never forget when I took my son out in public by myself for the very first time….
When Sassy Meets a Farmer’s Market
There’s been a lot going on lately between work and the end of the school year. Our kids are always involved in some way or another in sports activities. We wouldn’t have it any other way. And as most couples…
Diary of an 8th Grade Graduation Party
Sometimes it’s hard to throw a party, especially when there are teenagers involved. Well, the parents at my son’s school did just that and I am happy to report that it can be done and with much success! He has…