I have a guest post today. It is written by a very special mother that lost her son in a car accident when he was 19 years old in March of 2011. I have seen so many people making their resolutions for the year but this was the most incredibly meaningful one I have ever read. She grew up in my hometown of Kilgore and is probably one of the most positive,upbeat people you will ever meet. We all grieved with her when we heard the news about her son. Her Facebook page went silent for a long time. We all missed her and her positive posts that would be there first thing in the morning. We all prayed for her as she grieved. She had a way with words and you could just see her smile as you read her thought for the day. We all missed her positive posts that would reach out to us. As I read her post the other day, the first one in a very long time, I was so inspired that I wanted to share it with my readers. There are so many of us that have had recent losses, may Niki’s beautiful words give you a little hope.
2013 will be greater than 2012
by Niki Holmes
As I reflect on my muddled maneuver through the recent holiday season, I have to admit that I relish the opportunity this new year provides for a cool change. Not only for something different, …..but maybe even, something better? Each New Year brings with it an invitation for resolution and commitment to the changes necessary to improve the quality of our lives. When this opportunity presents itself, I usually “wish” I could do some things better, or “not” do some things that I do all too well. This year, I will testify that I am ready for a new beginning…a new season. I resolve to live well (or at least, better) and accept this opportunity to improve the quality of my life. We all struggle with loss and change as we shift and try our best to overcome challenges.
Loss of life… is part of life. We have no control over who goes, when they go or how they go. Life happens to us all.
The God-given healing process of grief is tough…but necessary.
I have struggled with this, but have resolved to embrace it, and to welcome it. The epiphany is that there is healing in that embrace. One of the commitments that I am making this year is to be thankful for the season of grief, however long its duration. It is part of God’s perfect design for healing. I am welcoming any positive change, and resisting the temptation to “settle.” I invite the peace and healing, that only Jesus provides, into the hearts of each person who was privileged to have known my son, Mason Rawls. He touched the hearts of many.
I proclaim that I am the luckiest mother on earth to have had such a wonderful son…..even for only a short time. Mason’s life spoke volumes. What a legacy.
Each holiday presents its challenges, and in Mason’s absence we are redefined. I find comfort in that. I now cherish each moment and relish the opportunity to make the most of each moment…as I make new memories. May the Lord above bless each of you with amazing things this New Year!
And, as my friend, Cheryl Manker said so well, “Make memories, be happy and try to leave things a little better than you found them in the upcoming year!”
Niki and her ever present smile.
May we all be as faithful.
Thank you for allowing me to share your words of inspiration.
Jane Lane says
Laura, thank you so much for sharing Niki’s wonderful words of hope. I cannot begin to think how difficult the process of grieving for a son must be, but Niki’s words were so strong, so beautiful. I appreciate the chance to read them.
Angie Jobe Reed says
What beautiful words from Niki….normally “new years resolutions” are things that we “resolve” at the beginning of the year and then give up on them when things get tough. Niki has had more than her share of loss and heartache in her life, yet she shares her heart with us after losing her very own son, inspiring us to look at the “big picture”, and acknowledging God’s design. The plan of the Master Weaver. God also grieved the loss of His Son, and it was a gracious sacrifice for all of His children, including you and me. It was part of life….the life we all live. Thank you, Livin’ Sassy, for sharing such a lovely and uplifting post by our dear Kilgore friend. p.s. That Cheryl Manker is a wise woman….my favorite part of that quote is for us to leave things a little better than we find them. : ))
Mandy says
What beautiful words from a beautiful woman. The last few years have brought losses of loved ones to many of us. I love how amazing Nikki expressed how we should embrace all things that God brings to us. I would like to stand with her and Cheryl is praying that it 2013 I put my best foot forward in walking in God’s plan for whatever comes my way with a positive attitude. That I face the good, the bad, the sad, and the ugly knowing that God brought me to it and He will walk with me though it and He will be glorified on the other side of it. To encourage those around me and like Christ see the good in all around me. Make 2013 be a great year!
Laura says
You are all so right. What an incredible faith and a beautiful spirit and person!
Leslie Tate says
I really enjoyed reading this. I have known Niki a very long time and she is truly a beautiful woman inside and out. One thing I wish could have been different for many of us is that we would have shared our faith when we were young- with each other. Now at ‘middle age’ I see so many of my old friends who share their faith and I feel that we might have lived our lives much differently if we had of shared back then with each other. I love you niki
Laura says
Niki is such a gift to all who know her. Thank you for sharing your words of wisdom too, Leslie. It is so true about the knowledge that comes with age!